Interview with Judyann McCole, author of Adela Arthur and the Creator’s Clock


Adela Arthur and the Creator’s Clock


1) Where did the idea for Adela Arthur and the Creator’s Clock (AACC) come from?

I was babysitting a group of young girls. They all wanted a female hero to look up to and follow on an adventure.

2) How are you like, or unlike, AACC’s protagonist, Adela?

I would say Adela is a mixture of a lot of people not just me. The traits we both share is the love of movies. She makes a lot of references to movies within the story.

3) What was the hardest part of writing Adela Arthur and the Creator’s Clock?

I would have to say writing the betrayal scene. I loved that character so having (he or she) become switch sides was hard.

4) Who was your favorite character to write in AACC?

I would have to say either Lord Elderberry or Grandpapa Keane.

5) What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?

I could write a book? That was the most shocking to me; to go from nothing to 300+ pages of text.

6) How do you balance college and writing?

I don’t sleep. Haha, I try my best to just make time. Just like an person with a passion for something does.

7) What are you working on now?

I’m actually working on the edits for my next book.

8) Why did you choose the pen name Judyann McCole?

It was to pay homage to my highschool teachers who told me to write.

9) If you could only choose one mythical creature, what would you want to be? Why?

A Phoenix because of what they represent and how the are reborn.

10) Excluding your own, what is the best book you’ve read so far this year?

A Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay

About the Book:

To Who Ever This May Concern;

I wish I could tell you the contents of this book were purely fictional. That I, Adela Arthur, was just a normal sixteen year old from Portland; that dragons, giants, elves and mermaids were just myths. Legends shared from crazy old grandparents to crazy old grandparents around campfires; after all that is what I used to believe.

I never would have thought they lived on the other side of our mirrors in a world called Cielieu. But they do…

I never would have thought there were humans, better known as Volsin that lived among them with the ability to create light from a single thought. But there are…

I never would have thought I was one of them… But I am… Adela Arthur

I am the last Arthur and I was brought to the human world after a Volsin, filled with greed, began to strip the light from our kind.

The human world was supposed to be a safe haven… but he’s found us and the only way to stop him is to go back to Cielieu and begin training as a student in the Elpida Castle of Light.

Like I said I wish the contents of this book were purely fictional and not my life…


About the Author:

…Roman Catholic

A lover of Books, Florence + Machine, The color Teal, Asian Food, Chocolate, Pandas, and The Rain.

Also A fan of writing in odd places like in bathtubs, under staircases, in a tree, or maybe zoo.

I don’t know why I never thought about writing. As I was searching for a niche in everything else I was also writing stories about a girl searching for where she belongs and people my age going on wild adventures. One day a teacher of mine, Ms. E. McAllen, asked me what I loved to do and it finally hit me. I love being a storyteller. But I was afraid no one would want, or care to read what I had to say. Until another teacher, Ms. K. Cole gave me the pep talk that changed my life. Judyann McCole

I would not have the strength to grow the hell that is getting published and I would not be an Author if it were not for my pen name Judyann McCole.

My Debut Novel, Adela Arthur and the Creator’s Clock, will be out this summer.

MOONRISE will be in stores Fall of 2013.

Where to Find Judyann: Website / Facebook / Facebook Fanpage / Twitter

This post is part of Adela Arthur and the Creator’s Clock Book Tour – July 29 to August 11 hosted by Black, White, and Read Tours. See the Tour Schedule for additional stops (including reviews, interviews, and excerpts). Check out my review of the book here.